
What's With this City?

So last night I was stoked to go see a few friends' bands play with 1.6 Band for their "reconciliation" tour.

To make a long whiny story short, I ended up having to bail half way through 1.6's set because of how late the show was running (had to catch the metro, which means leave by 11:30pm) and I didn't even get to see one of the bands I wanted to see.

My list of complaints about the Velvet Lounge has grown significantly over the last 6 months due to some shady practices they seem to be embracing, but in an effort to stick to the issue at hand, I will present a short list of why the Velvet Lounge, for last night at least, sucked:
  • You have an 18 plus show on a weeknight in a city that is heavily public transportation influenced (last train out if you don't have to transfer lines is 12am) which is supposed to start at 9pm (and starts late) and has 4 bands on the bill. This is bad enough, any weeknight 4 band show should start by 8pm and be finished by 11pm.
  • There was virtually no time management during sets or in between. This means who ever draws the short stick and plays last has no one left in the audience, as I'm guessing was the case last night. This is a common occurrence in DC.
  • For those of us who drink, the Velvet Lounge advertised on their site, and I quote, "$2 natty bohs til midnight, $4 rail all night long!" When asked for said $2 Natty Bohs the Bartender (who I was not a fan of in the slightest) said, "We don't have natty bohs, we have Budweiser and miller highlife." (which to be honest was actually genuine draft...) When asked, "Are those $2 then" The response was "No $3." I know this seems like a small complaint, but if you advertise something to get people in the door, have it. Some of us have to budget our show going experiences because life is expensive. Do it or don't just don't fucking lie about it.
  • The staff seems to be getting increasingly more apathetic and rude. I mean I fucking get it, it's a rock club and all, but come the fuck on. There are a couple of exceptions here, the sound dude is a good enough guy. Which brings me to...
  • What the fuck is the deal with the Sound? I mean the VL used to tote that it had the most bad assed sound in the city... I mean they do have enough expensive equipment, but lately even when I go see bands who I'm into (by way of example, Tombs) play there, it sounds like crap. If you don't know how to make everything sound good, fuck it, just output the vocals on the PA and leave everything else live. Usually sounds better in small clubs anyway. And again, if you're a sound guy, and your not going to stick around for the set, and you insist on mic'ing everything, make sure it sounds good before you walk out.
I know this all might seem pretty petty, especially for a $10 show, but I gotta be honest, house/diy shows are getting better and better, with a high caliber of bands, are run WAY better, and even seem to sound better (as an audience member.)

If the Velvet doesn't shape up, I'm going to cross it off my list. For the mean time, I'm going to advise bands to be wary before booking shows there.

Big downs.


This summer is CRAZY with shows!

shows in bold, we're probably going to

6/17 @ the Velvet Lounge - Memories from the Space Age, 1.6 Band, Ambition Burning, Negato!

6/17 @ the Girl Cave - Jubilee (folk duo awesomeness) , Fraueva (members of pree), Caddywhompus (Louisiana) , the Fordists (its time to get weird) 7PM-Donations for touring bands.
6/17 @ Corpse Fortress - Nitad (swedish hc), Daylight Robbers (chicago), Canadian Rifle (chicago), Fine Lines, Deathrats
6/18 @ DC Mini Gallery- Des Ark (north carolina), Resistor (ex requiem from north carolina), Deathrats (local hardcore punk - 7" out this summer)
6/18 @ WMUC - Comadre, Trainwreck, Police & Thieves, The Guilt
6/19 @ Corpse Fortress - The Guilt, Omegas, Smart Cops, Chronic Seizure, Animal Poison 6PM $7
6/19 @ 930 club - New York Dolls, Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears 8pm $25
6/20 @ The Black Cat - FRODUS, THE VAN PELT, GUILTMAKER 9pm $13
6/24 @ Girl Cave - Fine Lines, Boost, Pizza, The Copyrights, Dear Landlord, 20 Belows
6/25 @ the Corpse Fortress - The Communion (NYC GRINDCORE), Transient (portland grind), Lost Again, Diablero (bmore)
6/25 @ DC Mini Gallery - Lemuria, Cheap Girls, Monument, Everywhere You Look, Disciples Of Christ (First Show)
6/27 @ Cold Call House - 1118 girard st nw - Caverns, Imperial China, headliner TBA
6/27 @ The House of Awesome Times - Diente Perro (Puerto Rico), La Armada (Chicago)
6/27 @ Count Pyros Castle - Say No! to Architecture , Pretzlcoat, Dylan Languell, +1 more TBA
6/27 @ The House of Awesome Times - A Warm Gun (first show in forever!!), Diente Perro (Puerto Rico), La Armada (Chicago), Betty Sue Aside, March of Us
6/30 @ The Lighthouse - Loser Life, Deathratz, Chaos Destroy 6PM $7
7/1 @ Velvet Lounge - Ruiner, Title Fight, In the Hollows, Everywhere You Look
7/5 @ The Quarry House - The Living Wrecks, Copstabber, Unabombers, The Snallygasters 2pm $5 All Ages
7/6-8 @ 930 club - Sonic Youth 7pm SOLD OUT
7/6: @ Corpse Fortress - Overload, Mad Minds, Control, Frantic Onslaught, The Mostly Dead - 6pm - $6
7/11 @ Krasner's Basement (Frederick) - We Were Skeletons, Victor! Fix the Sun, Mostly Dead, the Lost Tourists
7/11 @ Count Pyros Castle - The Fordists + more TBA
7/13-14 @ 930 club - The Dead Weather & Screaming Females 7pm $35
7/19 @ The Quarry House - Supreme Commander, Thawed Out, & stand-up comedy by John Lockjaw (PB2k/PC Death Squad) - 2pm $5 All Ages
7/19 @ TBA - Force Fed, Mindset, Mobb Mentality + more TBA
7/17 @ DC Mini Gallery - Tigers Jaw, Kite Party + more TBA
7/19 @ TBA - Force Fed + more TBA
7/23 @ TBA - Wasteland, Relics + 2 TBA
7/27 @ Corpse Fortress - Just Die!, more TBA
7/29 @ House of Awesome Times- Brick, Dcoi, The Separation, Plagueland. Brainlazerz, Ecco
7/29 @ TBA - LIBÉRATE (LA fast as shit), INTIFADA (pure chicago speed)
7/29 @ the Rock and Roll Hotel - TORCHE & Harvey Milk 8pm $14
8/1 @ Kansas House - Black Powder, The Fordists, Analog Faucet - 7PM
8/1 @ Corpse Fortress: Inter Arma, Balaclava, Ilsa, Deathammer, Revolta @ 7:00PM, $6
8/2 @ TBA Stressed Out, Rip It Up, The AIDs, I Decide, Thawed out.
8/2 @ Lighthouse - Brainkiller (boston hc/deranged records), Lotus Fucker, Chaos Destroy, +More TBA. THREE PM!!!
8/2 @ TBA - Alert (western Massachusetts Youth Crew), XenvisionX (youth crew from Novia Scotia), + More TBA
8/6: @ TBA - GUILTY FACES (mid-80s california punk from connecticut), BAD ANTICS (punk from the west coast)
8/9 @ 3rd Street Co-Op - Thrashington DC, Revolta + more TBA
8/12 @ Black Cat Back Stage - The Mishaps, The Mostly Dead, The New Dumb, All Ages, $8
8/12@ alfishway- HARMS WAY mother of mercy alpha omega convicted foundation 10 dollars@ 6pm
8/14 @ TBA - Asshole Parade, Coke Bust, Sick Fix, Positive Noise, Crucial Cause


3rd Street Co-Op - 1807 3rd Street NE DC
Alecks' Basement - 5632 Kirkland Dr. Frederick, MD
Alfishawy Cafe - 4132 Georgia Avenue NW DC (Petworth Metro)
Bionic House - 3701 41st Ave Cottage City, MD
The Black Cat- 1841 14th St. NW DC (U. St Metro)
Comet Ping Pong - 5037 Connecticut Ave NW, DC
Corpse Fortress- 906 Philidelphia Ave, Silver Spring, MD (Silver Spring Metro) Dahlak - 1771 U St NW DC (U. St Metro)
DC Mini Gallery - 4702 14th st nw
Dude Bro Haus- 4301 Yuma St. NW DC (Tenleytown Metro)
Girl Cave - 1419 Gallatin St. NW DC (Columbia Heights/Petworth Metro)
Herndon Artspace address- 750 Center St. Herndon, VA 20170
House of Awesome Times - 9108 St. Andrews Pl
Kansas House - 900 N Kansas St Arlington, Va 22201 (virginia Square/Clarendon Metro)
Krasner's Basement - 9413 Bridgewater Court West Frederick, Maryland 21701
Lighthouse - 1421 Buchanan St NW DC (Columbia Heights/Petworth Metro)
Quarry House Tavern - 8401 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910 (Silver Spring Metro)
Rocknroll Hotel - 1353 H Street NE DC
Saint Stephens Church- 1525 Newton Street, NW DC (Columbia Heights Metro)
Scumbag Nation - 1001 Orchard Way, Silver Spring, MD. 20904.
Second Death Star - 1401 Carrington, Vienna, Virginia 22182
The Tree Swing - 6107 43rd Street, Riverdale MD (pg plaza metro)
Transformer Gallery - 1404 P St NW DC (U St. Metro)
Velvet Lounge - 915 U St, NW DC (U St. Metro)
WMUC - 3130 S Campus Dining Hall, College Park, MD (College Park Metro)


Watch These!

So. Enjoy

Mastodon - Oblivion live from David Letterman(?)

And the video itself! SPACE!



Post/Hardcore/Metal from all over the place...

With former members of BOTCH, UNBROKEN, THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES, and more you might expect a "super band" with such a pedigree to be one of two things: 1) A Totally Rad Experience or 2) A Total Waste of Time. Thankfully NARROWS falls into the former category. They were already on our radar with their release of the "Self Titled" 7 inch (which Kurt loved), and we've found the new LP (to be reviewed later this month) to be satisfying as well. Put them on your list, go listen to them, see them live if you can, and buy their stuff!